Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lick the Rainbow! Taste the Rainbow!

Skittles has done it again! They really are a brand that knows their audience, understands them and loves to please the heck out of them! They run ads that have nothing to do with candy and eventually go viral! I hope they keep it that way.

I still love their Tube Sock commercial and actually imitated it by rubbing my feet vigorously on the carpet and then attacking my husband with my fingertip... BZZT!

Recently, Skittles introduced their latest video ad, where you're encouraged to interact with the video by touching
a spot on the screen and the rest is history! I hope you love this video as much as I did and remember to wash your hands when you're done!

Don't forget to leave a comment!


  1. hahahahaha osommmmmmmm

  2. SI! Lo vi como 5 veces ayer y se lo mosté a mucha gente. Toda esa gente se la mostró a más personas... It's a virus!

    Skittles tiene más anuncios de la misma serie (Touch the Rainbow) pero no los puse aqui porque este fue mi favorito. Los puedes ver aqui:
